Its always nice when your putting together a few days sport for a guest to hear we came recommended as a destination to experience your first stalk and your hand at fly fishing.
An experienced game shot, Andrew had never stalked or fly fished before.
A day on our lochs saw Andrew casting like a pro under the instruction of our Ghillie Ian.
His second day was out on the hill with my good self. The day was difficult with the wind changing every 5 minutes.
By midday we found a suitable stag holding hinds. Making our way in Andrew followed my instruction well. Sliding the rifle through the heather he picked up the stag. Squeezing off the trigger the Haenel JAEGER10. 270 did the deed.
For someone who has not done much rifle shooting and has never stalked, Andrew did very well.
My question to Andrew is, “you’ve peeked, where can you possibly go to beat this now?”